We get the goods moving
Imagine that it doesn’t matter where in the Czech Republic you have your freight and where you want it to go. It also doesn’t matter if your freight needs to be transported in a flat-bed vehicle with tarpaulins or temperature-controlled truck. It doesn’t matter whether you need transport in high season or any other time of the year. What matters to you is an on-time delivery and a good price. For Nosek Group this means choosing the best possible transport solution.

Our services include:
Collection services
Internal logistics
Project logistics
National and international Just-In-Time deliveries
Providing transportation using other carriers or the most efficient transportation solution
Consultancy in logistics and related services
Provision of the complete service in the area of customs procedure
Value-added services
From the Czech Republic to the Netherlands, from Belgium to Poland or from Italy to Scandinavia – whatever the destination, we already know the way. Nosek Group transports thousands of loads per year, mostly in vans. From a pallet to a full truck load, from a small Sprinter to a jumbo trailer. Our wide range of services has already convinced many customers.
What we do is match our services to your needs and, regardless of what you entrust us with, we will take care of you and your product. With commitment and reliability. Your freight is your most important asset. We know that. That’s why we are committed to ensuring that sensitive goods within Europe reach their destinations every day. For us solidarity, innovation and reliability are not opposites, but qualities that create added value for you. This is what makes us special, and our company is very proud of this.

We work with high-quality and reliable partners
Continuous efficiency
If you want to be successful, you must keep moving and often go that one step further. Issues such as transport safety, lack of freight space and high demands for on-time deliveries are daily challenges for us.
We stand behind service at a high level of quality. On large projects we have been cooperating with high quality reliable partners for a long time. We design benefits for customers through transparent efficiency in real time.
Our fleet of vehicles of our transport partners will take you further. Every journey reflects the best possible route at that moment.
We offer a lot
With our logistical services you will reduce your administrative and operational costs while increasing your potential profits.
We expect a lot
We need honest and reliable partners with their own trucks who support us. We treat our carriers fairly. This also includes helping each other when things get difficult, so we look for a common solution.

With us, everything revolves around you.
Continuous efficiency is part of everyday life. There isn’t enough time for experiments. Our primary goals are maximum speed and maximum safety of transportation.